Monday 6 December 2010

End of Year

It's the end of the year, depending on whether you go by the Muslim or the gregorian calendar. Tomorrow is Muharram first, so tonight, many mosques will read the doa or supplication for the end of the year as well as doa welcoming the new year. Some quarters say that the practice is bid'ah, or misleading, but hey, to me, making a doa is good, anytime.

The end of the year signals the start of the new, and we hope for the better for our future.

Looking at the past 12 months or so, I've been blessed to have met people who are to me wise, and have made me 'bookmark' what they said or did.
1) My husband; advicing my nephew:
   "Be selfish only about one thing: your  
   time. You can never get it back."
2) A colleague (Age:68, single) "I hope I 
   won't have the tendency to tell off or
   give advice to my nieces and nephews all
   the time. I want them to be around me."
3) My husband. "You must treat well those who 
   come to your house; even if they are your 
   enemies." Advice he got from his sister-

I have also learnt a lesson or two in events that happened in those months.
1) I must keep my jewellery elsewhere (after
   our house was burgled)
2) I must store phone numbers right away.
3) I can make 'gubahan hantaran'; simple ones,
   though (after my brother's wedding).

I have also read a few lines here and there that have hopefully wizened me up on a lot of issues.
1) "he who his own liberty cannot enjoy need not fear death, for he is already dead."
   I know not the original speaker of those words, though I Googled. I found a piece of paper on which the saying I had scribbled while clearing a box full of knick knacks. This leads me to:
2) I must always remember to ackowledge a quote.
3) "No one ever became great by talking about the problems. Always look in the windshield and never in the mirror." Muhtar Kent,CEO and Chairman of Coca Cola, NST, Nov 20, 2010.
 4) No one is 100% 'black' or 100% white. After reading 'The Malaysian Maverick" by Wain.

Have a blessed and happy year ahead, everyone!

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